Mānuka Honey - 850+MGO
Introducing our brand new member of our Mānuka Honey range our Mānuka Honey 850+ MGO.
Our rare Mānuka Honey 850+ has been introduced into our range due to our clients wanting a higher MGO Mānuka Honey for topical use but since we don’t retail pack into amber plastic jars like most other honey suppliers its taken us some time to get the process perfect as with the glass jars the natural characteristics of a great Mānuka Honey is that the natural wax will gravitate to the sides of the jar – often looking like the honey has gone off. In clear glass jars, it is very noticeable! Without pasturising the honey and removing the raw goodness you'll find tucked away in our perfectly creamed honey there is no way to stop this happening, so it’s become an education programme of teaching retail staff about our honey, the processing we undertake and what they can expect in order for them to be able to pass the information on to customers.
Under New Zealand Food Regulations, we are unable to talk about all of the health benefits of the Mānuka Honey 850+ however, a simple google search will show just how amazing the power of Mānuka Honey 850+ really is.
The difference we find is customers often try it expecting it to taste bitter. We’re really lucky, as we are the producers we have the ability to go through and test every drum for taste once the laboratory results are returned giving us the ability to only pack great tasting honey with all the benefits of a Mānuka Honey 850+.
Our Mānuka Honey is packaged in our 350g sustainable glass jars and beautifully presented making it the perfect gift for any honey lovers.